Timber Industry License


General Information


Under Section 5A(1) of “The Sarawak Timber Industry Development Corporation Ordinance, 1973”, any person involved in timber industry must register with STIDC and holds a valid certificate of Registration.

The Registration Division functions are :-

  1. To register any person involved in establishment, manage or operate any mills, manufacturing, sale, distribution or marketing of timber and timber products.
  2. To update and keep registration records.
  3. To monitor the development of timber industry.
  4. To disseminate information relating to Ordinance and Regulations including the Conditions and Restrictions.
  5. To carry out "Meet Customer Campaign" regularly.
 2. Register Timber Activities & Timber Products With STIDC
  Registration Brochure (Front)

Registration Brochure (Back)

 3. How To Register With STIS?
  Flyer How To Register (Front)

Flyer How To Register (Back)

 4. Registration Application Process Flow
  Registration Workflow Process
 5. List Of Product and Product Code
   Download File
Dear Customer,

Please click the icon above to download the list of product and product code.

Thank you.
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