Posted on 23 Apr 2015

23 APRIL 2015

Forest certification is a confirmation of compliance of forest management practices with an agreed set of rules expressed in form of Principles Criteria, Indicators and Management Specifications. It gives recognition to forest managers who comply with international standards and best practices of responsible management and give fair treatment to the local people. Forest certification also serves to inform end users that they are buying the products from sustainably managed forests. Certified timber products can fetch price premium and gain access into markets closed to non-certified timber products.


Forest certification is in line with Sarawak’s commitment towards sustainable forest management. Through this initiative the state aims to project its positive image by combating illegal logging and promoting environmental protection and good governance. To the timber industry, forest certification is the way forward to secure bigger market share.


“Preserving as much Mother Nature as possible was essential for future generations because people do not want the state to end up like a desert. Preserve our forests for future generations. Some tropical forests have been in existence for millions of years, I think our Borneo forests are about 30 to 40 million years old” Chief Minister of Sarawak, The Right Honourable Tan Sri (Dr) Haji Adenan Haji Satem said in conjunction with the state-level International Forest Day in Kuching, Sarawak recently.


Under the forest certification initiative, the six major timber industry players in Sarawak namely KTS Holdings Sendirian Berhad, Rimbunan Hijau Forest Corporation Sendirian Berhad, Samling Group, Shin Yang Group, Ta Ann Group, and WTK Holding Berhad as well as STIDC are to get at least one of their forest licence areas certified by July 2017.


Once certified, licence tenure for these areas will be reviewed and can be extended up to sixty (60) years as a form of incentive. Forest Management Plan incorporating the requirements for forest management certification will then be produced by the Licensees. This is followed by the signing of The Forest Management Certification Agreement between Licensees and the government.  Licensees will maintain the forest management certificate throughout the period. Failure to comply with the agreement may result in termination of their licence.


Forest Department being the lead agency to drive the forest management certification in Sarawak was tasked to prepare an action plan and develop guidelines and procedures to implement the forest management certification.


The forest management certification scheme is recognised internationally particularly by Forest Stewardship Coulcil (FSC) or Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification (PEFC) schemes or Malaysian Timber Certification Scheme (MTCS). Certification under any other scheme should be approved by the Director of Forest.


According to Forest Department, presently many licence holders in Sarawak show keen interest to participate in forest management certification covering an area of 1.6 million hectares in which 1.1 million hectares fall under Heart of Borneo (HoB).


STIDC being the state government agency responsible to spearhead the advancement of the timber industry in Sarawak supports the forest management certification and hopes industry players will strive for the success this initiative in order to gain greater customers’ confidence and acceptance on our timber products and remain at the competitive edge.


By STIDC Corporate Affairs

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